Sunday, April 28, 2013

Don't Jump to Unfounded Conclusions - Know All Your Facts First

      Due to the length of yesterday's post, and the fact that it will actually take several viewing sessions to go through all the videos (which are a must, because they are awesome), I will attempt to have much shorter posts for a few days.  Unless something comes up that requires that I do otherwise, that will be the plan for most of this coming week. 

      I feel I need to say a few things again about the Solutreans.  If you remember, they are the people who lived on the shores of western France in the Gascone Region, and sailed out along the ice flows to hunt seals.  Many of them ended up going to North America, and there is the possibility that eventually they were crossing back and forth across the Atlantic.  These were the first Americans; the original ancestors of all the Native Americans. 
      I have seen some things written by some people concerning this subject, and I find what they write as quite disturbing.  White supremacists and other racists love this information, and they run their mouths off without even considering some very key and obvious facts.   They say stupid things like, "See, the first people in America were white."  They feel this information makes the takeover of North America, and the subsequent poisoning, and germ warfare with infected blankets and other acts of genocide were justified.  In their wee little brains they think they didn't steal the land, but that they were just taking back what was stolen by the Indians first.
      Those who think like this are so wrong - they are ninety kinds of wrong.  I combat this moronity with several facts.
      The first fact is that the Native Americans were a combination of the Solutreans and the Asians who crossed over from Beringia about five thousand years later.  I'm sure that the influx of new genetic material helped this isolated race, and probably even saved it.  With the small numbers they began with after five thousand years they were genetically hurtin' for certain.  Genetic degradation and corruption would have been inevitable.
      Asians grow facial hair, not much but they do grow it.  A Native American (full blood) is absolutely devoid of facial and body hair (except for those in the Northwest who have a much higher Asian content to their bloodline - and there are many reasons for that, but that is a different post).  Where did this trait come from then?  From the Solutreans.  These were the same people who made the cave paintings in Lascaux and Altamira.  Their depictions of animals show great detail, including the hair patterns of the animals, such as the wooly mammoths, rhinoceri, shaggy wild horses, and the aurochs.  In their depictions of themselves, curiously, they did not show any facial hair.  Why would they skip this if they were into the details?  Because they had no facial hair, that's why.  The Solutreans were not "white."  They would have looked just like your average Native American.  They weren't blonde haired with blue eyes, and didn't look like the poster child for the Hitler Youth.
       Solutrean painting - note hair on the Aurochs, but none on the man being gored by it

                                              Asians with beards

                                Salish man from the west coast - with facial hair

                                      Another west coast, bearded Native

             Typical Native from central to eastern North America - devoid of facial hair

      "If that's true," the racist might ask, "then why aren't there any 'Indians' running around Europe today?"  Because the same thing that happened to them in North America about 10,000 years later also happened to them in Europe during the late Mesolithic.  They got overrun by settlers from another continent - specifically by the Natufians.  The first Europeans were hunter-gatherers and remained that way until they virtually disappeared.  The Natufians were originally hunter-gatherers too, but after they started gathering wild grains they went through a transformation.  This is all in one of the video series from yesterday so I won't elaborate much on that here.  I'll just simply say that due to a climate catastrophe, and their new addiction to grain they became farmers.  Their success at this eventually caused overcrowding in their homeland, and they traveled off to find new places to farm.  They went east across the Steppes, and they went into Europe.  As they settled and spread out there was less room for the original hunter-gatherers.   Physical evidence shows that the hunter-gatherers didn't adopt the farming ways of the invaders, nor was there much mingling between them.  They basically just vanished, and their specific gene types are only found among individuals in the far west, and are very diluted.
      The Natufians inherited Europe.  Every European carries their bloodline.  They came from Israel (long before Abraham and his descendants lived there).  They were Palestinians, or would have been called Canaanites in a later period.  They are related genetically to the Egyptians, and originally came out of south-east Africa (chromosomal hap-halo group E1b1b with the African group VI mutations M172 and M201).  So they weren't what you would call "white" either.  They were Afro-Semitic.  Take that news you racist bast freaks!
      As long as I'm destroying your white bread, purist fantasies, remember that even the Indo-Europeans were originally Asians.  They didn't turn "white" until some genetic mutation caused a loss of skin, hair, and eye pigment in some individuals (again, theories on how or why that happened are for another post someday).
      So the conclusion is that Europeans aren't really "white" after all.  They are Africans, Semites, and Asians, with a little bit of Native American thrown in, and the Native Americans are definitely not white.  Hah! 

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