Thursday, April 18, 2013

Entitled in Totality, That's the Mentality 

      Where do people get the idea that they should get all they need without paying for it?  In my job I run into this a lot.  As a plumber I install water heaters and bathroom fixtures for people all the time.  They buy the product from some store and then pay the BASIC installation fee.  They are told when they purchase said product that any extra parts will naturally cost them extra.  Then said store hires me to do their installation.  
      90% of the time when I get to the person's house with their product I see the mess left for me by the previous plumber, or more often by the guy who thought he could do it himself.  I see things that are leaking, valves that don't work or things that are completely unsafe, like exhaust venting that was made out of a cut up paint can or coffee can and wired together (I seriously have seen this - can you say carbon monoxide poisoning?). 
      Maybe the prolonged exposure to the carbon monoxide gave these people brain damage, because when I tell them that I am required by both conscience and law that I must replace this, but they will have to pay for the extra parts, the often respond with, "I don't want to pay for you to do anything extra."  I respond with, "Sir/Maam, this is absolutely dangerous like this, and besides, I am required by law to replace this." 
      "By law!?" They reply, Is the government going to tell me how to live my life?  You can fix it, but I'm not going to pay.  If the government wants me to fix it, then let the government pay for it."  
      Not every conversation goes exactly like that, but in general many people get real huffy about paying for their services.  And the thing is, replacing a foot of galvanized exhaust piping or an elbow will cost them only an additional $5 to $15, or $15 for a new gas valve to replace the one that has a small leak.  What, do you want to blow yourself up?  

      Also, very commonly, they will order a new appliance that is nowhere near the same size or dimension as the old one.  That means nothing is going to fit together without extensive changes.  "Well I shouldn't have to PAY for it.  It's the store's fault.  They sold me the wrong thing."  
      And this is just a general trend.  A lot of people want everything for nothing.  "Why should I pay for anything?  Just give me everything I want or need, and on a silver platter - and you better be smiling when you give it to me.  Doesn't the constitution say, 'Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?'  I have a constitutional right to everything I want or need, and the constitution never said I actually should have to work for these things, or pay for them.  It just says I have the right to have them."   
      I could go on to explain how this attitude permeates the thinking of a certain subset of society that has become completely dependent on government handouts, but that would be redundant.  In the universities this attitude is taught as doctrine, and to disagree will get you a lower grade (again, I'm not kidding - I wish I were.  

      That happened to me and a few others in three different classes I had to take as required for an education major).  Two different professors came right out and said that no one person should earn one dime more than another person, no matter what their profession is, how much money they spent on their education, or even if they work overtime for it.  "Not even for working overtime?!!", I exclaimed (that exclamation cost me an entire letter grade for that class).  The professor then explained to the entire class that not everyone has the same energy levels, and people should neither be penalized nor rewarded for something that is outside of their control.  
      So this mindset is taught at the university level, and from there it spreads to the rest of society, and shame on you if you feel differently (reasonable) about it.  No wonder they want to take our guns away.  They can't turn us into a giant ant colony until they do.  What's the real underlying problem and cause of this?  Greed and egocentricity.  

      So how do I finally get the unwilling to pay for their extra work on their appliance or fixture?  I match their childish behavior with parental behavior.  I threaten to take it away. 

1 comment:

  1. In addendum to this post: It is ironic to me that the very day I posted this (in the early morning before I went to work), I ran into someone who was a classic example of this behavior again. I had to install something in which the new one was a full foot taller than the one we were taking out. That woman was absolutely indignant about having to pay extra for more than a direct change out. She was busy calling the company, and her lawyer, and reviewing her contract, before we were allowed to continue with the work. She was like, "Why should I have to pay? I bought a bigger one - I upgraded. They should be rewarding me for it, not charging me." Some people.
