Monday, April 22, 2013

Is Technology Making Us Dumber? 

      I was watching a commercial today during NASCAR and it was for a really good safety app for your phone.  You set the app when you are about to drive, and if someone tries to text you, their text is blocked, and the phone sends an automatic message saying, "I can't text right now.  I am driving."  An app like this has the potential to save a lot of lives.
      Now for the people who need an app like this the most - the 16 - 25 year old group - would they really use it?  Could we actually get them to pry their hands off of their phones enough to drive.  Would their addiction allow them to activate the app in the first place?  I hope so.  Or would we have to make the activation automatic too.  Maybe it would have to be motion activated like those door locks that many models of cars have.
      You see, technology is not making mankind any smarter, and it is certainly not making the human race any more responsible.  That's the way that it works now.  People are either too dumb to fasten their seat belts, too lazy, or just plain scatterbrained, due to going overboard on the multi-tasking.   To fix this problem the car will have the technology to work around the driver.  The driver will never have to think again about door locks or seat belts again.  They won't even have to decide to use them, as the decision has already been made for them.  That's one more out of the way.  

      It's the same thing with those automatic flushers on toilets and urinals.  It was all too common in public rest rooms that people wouldn't flush after using them.  They just left their prizes there for the next person to gag over.     Maybe they had delusions of grandeur and thought they had servants of some kind - or minions.  Ever since these automatic flushers became common the restrooms without them, the incidents of not flushing has increased.  People didn't have to think about it any more, so they didn't.  Now maybe they can use their brains for something more constructive - like watching cat videos on their I-phones.  As a species, we really are going down hill, aren't we?  How ironic; we are smart enough to invent an automatic fusher, but too dumb to flush a toilet.  Maybe the next thing our fallen race will need is something  to automatically wipe their dirty bottoms after using theses toilets - or maybe something to wipe their noses.
      Is our advanced technology taking away our ability to make simple decisions?  It seems as though we are becoming just another item riding on our conveyor belts we created. 

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