Saturday, April 13, 2013

There is Never a Shortage of Morons

      Just a couple snippets for today. 
      I don't know how many of you heard about this one, but police in Wisconsin are going to be pressing charges against five men who put a T-shirt on a deer.  The five men set a trap for the deer.  Once it was captured they wrestled it to the ground before putting a T-shirt on it.  They shot a video of the whole incident and posted it on Youtube.  Morons.  I have a sneaking suspicion that beer was involved. 
      Police in Oak Creek Wisconsin were getting calls from people who said they saw a deer wearing a yellow T-shirt (I saw the related video and it looked more like orange to me - hunter's blaze orange). 
      It was after these reports that the police were alerted to a video of the event posted on Youtube.  It was entitled something like "How to Put a T-shirt on a Deer."  Youtube has removed the video, but below is footage from it on a news report. 

      The local police were able to identify the men in the video, and will be pressing charges.  Here is a newspaper report from the area where this happened. 
      It's people like this who work real hard to disprove evolution, because they sure aren't getting any smarter. Truth is way stranger than fiction.  I suppose that years from now if we try to retell this story to someone they will think that we're giving them a load of bull. 


     I have had this blog for a few weeks now and it's interesting to see some of the stats.  I have visitors of course from the US, but also Canada, England, Russia, Venezuela, Austria, the Ukraine, and Germany.  In fact of all the countries outside of the US most of the readers come from Germany.  Because there are so many visitors from Germany, to you I say, "Miigwich." (das bedeutet "Danke" in der Odschibwischen Sprache).  Die folgende Botschaft ist für euch.  Vielen Grüße an meine langverlorenen, Deutschen Brüdern und Schwestern!  Von der Familie meiner Mutter stamme ich ja doch aus den Amerikanischen Indianer - bestimmt von der Odschibwishen Leute (Ojibwe), aber meine Vorfahren der Familie meines Vaters sind aus Deutschland in die US eingewanderten.  Unsre Nachname in Deutschland war “Von Stettin.”
      Ich weiß nicht wie ihr meinen Blog gefunden habt, oder warum ihr so oft ihn leset, aber bin ich froh, daß ihr meinen Blogspot besucht.  Hoffentlich findet ihr ihn informativ und unterhalteten.  Danke - Miigwich - für eure Lesenschaft. 

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